Op-Ed: Redrawing of Seattle’s council districts shows equity is possible

The Seattle’s Redistricting Commission has developed its final draft map in the first-ever decennial process of redrawing Seattle’s seven city council districts — and it did a great job. The Redistricting Justice for Seattle coalition is pleased to see the commission equitably centered testimony from people of color, renters and community-based organizations to draw this draft map that successfully protects historically marginalized communities.

However, we know whenever marginalized communities organize, wealthy interests come out in full force to resist progress. This redistricting cycle is no exception. We challenge the Redistricting Commissioners to stand firm behind its final draft map that protects communities of color, young people and renters — and vote to finalize it in November.

People of color, renters and young people have been…

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Redistricting process continues with public hearing


New map would redraw Seattle’s City Council districts, with changes for Georgetown, Magnolia